Internship and Placements

At NUS-ISS, student internships and participant placements are integral parts of our graduate programmes and executive education. For graduate programmes, our Graduate Internship Programme gives students a valuable opportunity immerse in real-work settings taking on projects within the sponsoring companies. For executive education, we help to match and place qualified candidates taking our courses with potential employers. 


NUS-ISS Graduate Internship Programme


Our student internships last between three months to half a year, depending on the programmes and study format. The substantial time spent with companies ensures depth of experience and benefit for both our students and the companies they work for. This allows students to apply what they have learnt in their coursework to real-life work environments, and develop deeper industry insights as well as maturity for their future careers. Through this, companies tap on trained and motivated talents to fulfill the resource needs of the organisation.

Our Students' Unique Value for Your Organisation

Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis

Internship is compulsory for our Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis (GDipSA) students. To assist them in gaining relevant information and working experience in the IT industry, they have to complete a five-month internship with a local company, working on a realistic systems development project.

Our GDipSA students possess a strong foundation in solution development and are required to design solutions using .NET, C#, ASP.NET, JAVA EE, JAVA, HTML5, iOS and Android for their internship company.

Master of Technology in Enterprise Business Analytics

Full-time students pursuing the Master of Technology in Enterprise Business Analytics (MTech EBAC) have a three months internship project, where they build real-world systems and solve actual problems for local organisations. For part-time students, the capstone project extend over a period of six months, and the sponsor is often the employer of one of the team members. 

MTech EBAC students are able to plan and execute business analytics projects by understanding business problems, identifying appropriate analytics techniques and applying data exploration, model building, testing and validating of the results to solve identified business problems.

Master of Technology in Artificial Intelligence Systems

Full-time students pursuing the Master of Technology in Artificial Intelligence Systems (MTech AIS) have a three months internship project, where they build real-world systems and solve actual problems for local organisations. For part-time students, the capstone project extends over a period of six months, and the sponsor is often the employer of one of the team members. 

MTech AIS students are able to plan and strategise high-value Intelligent Systems projects to provide identifiable benefits to your organisation. They will design, develop and implement Intelligent Systems through the effective use of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge and Data Engineering tools and techniques to produce high-quality Intelligent Systems following industry best practices and methodologies.

Master of Technology in Software Engineering

Full-time students pursuing the Master of Technology in Software Engineering (MTech SE) have a three months internship project, where they build real-world systems and solve actual problems for local organisations. or part-time students, the capstone project extend over a period of six months, and the sponsor is often the employer of one of the team members.

MTech SE students are able to apply the tools, techniques and methods to architect and build smart systems, products and platforms that are secure and scalable. Students are able to deliver additional values in some aspects like machine learning, analytics, safety-criticality, real-timeliness, fault tolerance, hardware integration, robotic and vision, etc.


Our Students Have Interned At

  • A*STAR
  • Accenture
  • China Telecom
  • DBS
  • Emerson Automation Solutions
  • Huawei International
  • IMDA
  • Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific
  • Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R)
  • Keysight Technologies
  • KPMG
  • Lendlease 
  • National Dental Centre
  • Panasonic
  • Phillips
  • Procter & Gamble (P&G)
  • Prudential
  • Shopee
  • SP Group
  • ST Engineering
  • Taipei Medical University
  • Tik Tok
  • UOB
  • NUS-ISS Talent Pool

    Looking for top-tier talent to fill your job vacancies? Look no further than the NUS-ISS Talent Pool. Our diverse graduates are skilled in areas such as data and business analytics, AI/ML, software engineering, digital business strategies, and leadership. 

    Plus, we can work with you to develop a tailored talent strategy and attraction plan. And if you're interested in showcasing your technology and attracting NUS-ISS talent, we invite you to partner with us and host a company learning journey. Find your next superstar employee today with the NUS-ISS Talent Pool.

    Companies that employed NUS-ISS Talent

    • Accenture
    • AI Singapore
    • Ave Point
    • Bank of China
    • Black Sesame Technologies
    • ByteDance
    • DBS
    • DOXA Holdings
    • Foodpanda
    • Grab
    • Huawei
    • KAPPS Consulting
    • Mastercard
    • OCBC
    • Oracle
    • Pundi X
    • Seagate
    • Shopee
    • Singapore Airlines
    • Singapore ETH Centre
    • UOB
    • Visa
    • Yonyou (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    • Ms Ng Wee Wei

      Ms Ng Wee Wei

      Managing Director, Health & Public Sector Service ASEAN

      Member of the Judging Panel for the Accenture Best Internship Project Award

      The most impressive quality of the interns is their versatility. Many of them are asked to pick up new skills, new computing languages as they embarked on their internship programme. Grounded in the skills that they have learnt from their Graduate Diploma programme, many of them excelled in displaying resourcefulness and initiative by picking up other skill sets required.

    • Mr Antonio Alvarez

      Mr Antonio Alvarez

      Learning and Organisation Development Head
      STMicroelectronics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

      STMicroelectronics supports the NUS-ISS Graduate Diploma internship programme as it provides us with insight into the latest advancements in the IT industry. We allow the students to incorporate and test out new technologies through their projects. These students also serve as 'academic ambassadors' for our company as they share their experiences with their families and friends. NUS is one of the top 30 universities in the world, and since we have started this partnership with NUS-ISS in 2007, we have taken in 40 excellent students.

    • GDipSA - Low Yi Chai

      Low Yi Chai, Singapore

      Project Consultant
      MavenTree Technology Pte Ltd

      Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis, 40th Intake

      The GDipSA curriculum and assignments have prepared me well for my internship. Not only did I pick up technical skills, soft skills such as communication and presentation skills were covered as well, and they were very useful during the UAT phase, where I had to present and talk to users. Overall, the internship gave me exposure to the IT industry, potential challenges I may face and the soft skills required to excel in the job.

    • Mtech(KE) - Nitin Pradeep Kumar

      Nitin Pradeep Kumar, India

      Cloud Quality Engineer
      Appcelerator, a Sillicon Valley-based Tech Start-up

      Master of Technology in Knowledge Engineering (MTech KE), Class of 2014

      During my internship at CrimsonLogic, I was involved in the design and software development process. It was a challenging yet, wonderful experience as it was an opportunity to put various advanced knowledge engineering concepts like semantic networks, fuzzy string matching, information extraction and text mining into practice. This project resulted in a working prototype and was well received by the company.

    • IP - Priyanshu Kumar Jha

      Priyanshu Kumar Jha, India

      Software Development Engineer

      Master of Technology in Software Engineering (MTech SE), Class of 2013

      NUS-ISS offers a Master of Technology programme that promises an immersive internship programme, advanced electives and innovative subjects. This programme carries a perfect mix that is not offered anywhere else.

    • Mtech(SE) - Priyanshu Kumar Jha

      Priyanshu Kumar Jha, India

      Software Development Engineer
      Microsoft USA

      Master of Technology in Software Engineering (MTech SE), Class of 2013

      ISS offers a Master of Technology programme that promises an immersive internship programme, advanced electives and innovative subjects. This programme carries a perfect mix that is not offered anywhere else.

    • GDipSA - Khaing Thazin Myint

      Khaing Thazin Myint, Myanmar

      Software Engineer

      Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis, 35th Intake

      Internship is part of the GDipSA programme and we have the opportunity to prove that we can perform just like other experienced workers even though we are fresh graduates. No other school teaches soft skills like NUS-ISS. I've learnt how to think, dress and speak professionally through this course.

    • GDipSA - Li Weihua

      Li Weihua, China

      Applications Engineer
      James Walter Thompson

      Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis, 32nd Intake Winner of the ISS Book Prize

      The SA internship not only helped me enhance my skills, it also taught me how to build my confidence and earn the trust of my boss and team members. I was able to apply this knowledge when working on my internship project. My technical and soft skills also improved subtantially with the help of my supervisor. The internship is a bridge to my professional life, I love it.

    • GDipSA - Lau Kai Cheong

      Lau Kai Cheong, Singapore

      Chief Information Officer
      Singapore Management University

      Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis, 5th Intake

      The curriculum was grounded in both theory and practice through its projects and internship, and the lecturers brought with them industry experience. I learnt to adopt more than one perspective during the process of problem-solving and solutioning, and acquired the skills for systems thinking and critical analysis. NUS-ISS opened the pathway to the world of IT and I have not regretted the choice of joining the profession.

    Employer Testimonials

    "Excellent opportunity to network and recruit students with a variety of skills. Talent spotting and evaluation made easy."
    Mr. Murphy Choy, Principal Data Scientist, BigTapp Analytics

    "Amazing event to ramp up the team quickly. I would highly recommend companies to participate in this event."
    Mr. Vinay Math, Senior Business Development Manager, WDC Consulting Singapore

    For Companies

    To recruit our graduate students, you can post your jobs through the NUS TalentConnect.
    If you are already a participating direct employer, login to NUS TalentConnect for Employers to post and collate job applications.
    For new employers who are interested to use the NUS TalentConnect portal, please register here.

    For enquiries, please email or call 6516 2093.

