The world is evolving quicker than ever with new shifts in global power, pandemics and digital disruptions. This era belongs to the youths who are determined to take a leap by asking questions never asked before, thinking critically, and collaborating.

The Digital Futurist Challenge calls out to all youths who seeks to make a difference to the future of Singapore. Come together to envision a future desired scenario of Singapore in 2060, and design creative, digital-focused solutions which may propel Singapore towards that envisioned state.


To develop and inspire the next generation of digital innovators and leaders by engaging the youths of today to co-design their future world. The approach is based on future thinking, design thinking and the younger learner’s natural interest in technology where they will be tasked to shape a better future.


To envision a future desired scenario of Singapore in 2060, and design creative, digital-focused solutions which may propel Singapore towards that envisioned state.

Challenge Themes

Participants are to choose 1 of the following 3 themes, explore and shape their own challenge statement:

Green & Sustainability

Example: How might we realise a carbon free and green Singapore with adequate food/water/energy supply for all Singaporeans?

Health & Wellbeing

Example: How might we realise a decentralised care system that allow our population to stay well physically, socially and mentally in the community and homes?

Work & Learning

Example: How might we maintain an effective and impactful education system that ensures Singapore’s talent pool is always leading and always learning?


Friday, 15 July
Registration begins
Monday, 29 August
Registration closes
Saturday, 3 September
Launch of Digital Futurist Challenge at NUS-ISS
25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119615
Saturday, 10 September
1/2 Day Workshop at NUS-ISS
25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119615
Saturday, 17 September
1/2 Day Workshop at NUS-ISS
25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119615
Saturday, 1 October
Poster Submission
Wednesday, 19 October
Final Submission
5 teams from each challenge theme will be chosen for Pitch Day.
Saturday, 29 October
Pitch Day at NUS-ISS
25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119615
1 winning team per challenge theme 
Wednesday, 30 November
Showcase & Prize Presentation*
Only members from the winning teams will be invited to the Showcase and Prize Presentation.

Main Prizes

Overall Best

$5,000 + up to $7,500 worth of NUS-ISS Courses!

Overall best for each theme



Runner-up prizes for other two teams in each theme


Participation Eligibility

Students from any of these Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) in Singapore:

Universities (Undergraduates), Polytechnics, ITEs, NAFA and LaSalle

Team Size

3 – 5 participants per team

We regret that we do not allow solo participants or teams with more than 5 participants.

Number of Teams

Capped at 60 teams

We regret that we are unable to admit more than 60 teams into the challenge.

Commitment Required

All registered team members are required to attend the Digital Futurist Launch event at NUS-ISS on Sat 3 Sep. Non-attendance may result in disqualification. Any absent team members will be required to show proof of absence, if requested.

We strongly encourage all participants to take note of the key dates listed above and to plan your time accordingly.

Participant’s Role



  • Learn and practice design and futures thinking through the workshops in a real-world context
  • Interact and network with distinguished experts in the respective theme domains to have a greater insight into the design challenge
  • Ideate, prototype and co-develop solutions to arrive at your envisioned ideal state
  • Be part of a network of likeminded individuals

Commitment Required:

  • All registered participants are expected to attend all in-person sessions. We strongly encourage all participants to take note of the key dates listed above and to plan your time accordingly.
  • Use your imagination to reimagine new futures to create a better tomorrow
  • Be a social warrior and contribute to public good
  • Engage in self-directed development of idea within your team outside of scheduled workshops/webinars

Be part of the Digital Futurist Challenge and envision Singapore in 2060

Email Us
Thank you for your interest in The Digital Futurist Challenge! Registration is now closed due to an overwhelming number of registrations.

Information on this page may be subject to change
