Fundamentals of Cybersecurity


Reference No TGS-2021002934
Part of -
Duration 2 days
Course Time 9:00am - 5:00pm
Enquiry Please contact for more details.

Cybersecurity is the application of technologies, processes and control measures designed and implemented to protect systems, networks, computer programs, devices and data from unauthorised access and attacks.
Cyberattacks are increasingly growing in sophistication and are a critical business challenge for every organisation. As remote work and insecure data practices persist, cyber breach costs are expected to rise considerably across all industries.

Organisation and user’s assets include connected computing devices, related personnel, organisational infrastructure, applications, services, telecommunications systems and networks. It also includes transmitted and/or stored information in the cyber environment. Cybersecurity aims to ensure the attainment and maintenance of the security properties of the organisation and user’s assets against relevant security risks in the cyber environment.

This course provides a technical overview of the top cybersecurity risks that every IT professional needs to know. This course starts with the fundamentals of cybersecurity followed by cryptography, communications & network security and web application security related topics. It also introduces trends in mobile, cloud and Internet of Things security.

By combining lectures with discussion and hands-on workshops, the course equips the participants with skills necessary to understand the importance of various industry best practices in cybersecurity

This course is intended as a short introductory course for ICT professionals who want to understand the fundamentals and best practices in cybersecurity as well as keep abreast of the trends in the cybersecurity landscape.

This course is part of the Cybersecurity series offered by NUS-ISS.

Key Takeaways

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:
  • Explain the importance of cybersecurity
  • Apply the cybersecurity design principles
  • Explain fundamentals of Cryptography and their applications
  • Evaluate cybersecurity frameworks
  • Identify threats and vulnerabilities
  • Design secure network architecture
  • Apply threat modelling concepts
  • Analyse Identity and Access Management components
  • Understand cybersecurity issues related to Cloud, Mobile and IoT

Who Should Attend

This course is intended as a short introductory course for ICT professionals who want to understand the fundamentals and best practices in cybersecurity as well as keep abreast of the trends in the cybersecurity landscape.

What to Bring

No printed course materials will be issued.
Bring Your Own Laptop – Participants are required to bring your own internet-enabled laptop with these recommended configuration; Intel Core i5 (sixth generation or newer) or equivalent, Microsoft Windows 10 Professional, 8GB (or higher) RAM. The recommended web browser is Google Chrome to access courseware on the ISS learning management system.

What Will Be Covered

  • Module 1: Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
    • Cybersecurity Concepts
      • Needs for Security
      • Challenges of Securing information
      • Malware, Social Engineering and other Attacks
      • Protecting against Malware Attacks
      • Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Information Security
      • Security Design Principles
      • Security Controls
    • Introduction to Cryptography
      • Cryptographic Techniques
      • Digital Signatures
      • Public-Key Infrastructure
      • Digital Certificates
      • Protocols for Secure Communication

    Workshop 1: Case study on Secure Communication

  • Module 2: Introduction to Risk Management
    • Threats and Vulnerabilities
    • Risk Identification
    • Risk Assessment
    • Risk Control Strategies
    • Business Continuity Planning and Strategies
    • Information Security Policy, Standards and Practices
    • Information Security Frameworks

    Workshop 2: Case study on Risk Management

  • Module 3: Communication and Network Security
    • Types of Firewalls
    • Firewall Architectures
    • Virtual Private Networks
    • Types of Intrusion Detection Systems
    • Strength and limitations of IDPS
    • Deployment and Implementation of IDPS
    • Honeypots
    • Administering a Secure Network

      Workshop 3: Case study on designing a Secure Architecture for a given scenario

  • Module 4: Application Security
    • Web Application attacks
    • Threat modelling
    • Secure Software Development
    • Secure Coding Concepts
    • Security Assessment and Testing

    Workshop 4: Exercise on Threat Modelling

  • Module 5: Identity and Access Management
    • Authentication and Account Management
    • Access Control Models
    • Trust frameworks
    • Best Practices for Access Control
    • Identity and Access Services

    Workshop 5: Exercise on Access Control

  • Module 6: Trends in Cybersecurity
    • Cloud Security
      • Cloud Security Concepts
      • Security approaches for Cloud Computing Assets
      • Cloud Security as a Service
      • Enterprise Cloud Security and Governance
    • Mobile Security
    • Internet of Things Security and Privacy Requirements
    • An Internet of Things Security Framework
    • AI/ML Security

Workshop 6: Workshop on Cloud/Internet of Things /Mobile Security

Fees & Subsidies

Fees for 2024
  Full Fee Singaporeans & PRs
Full course fee S$1800 S$1800
ISS Subsidy  - (S$180)
Nett course fee S$1800 S$1620
9% GST on nett course fee S$162 S$145.80
Total nett course fee payable, including GST S$1962 S$1765.80
  1. All fees and subsidies are valid from January 2024, unless otherwise advised.
  2. All self-sponsored Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit to pay for course fees. For more information about SkillsFuture Credit, click here.
  3. From 1st January 2024, the GST will be increased to 9%.



Certificate of Completion
Participants have to meet a minimum attendance rate of 75% and are required to pass the assessment to be issued a Certificate of Completion.

Preparing for Your Course

NUS-ISS Course Registration Terms and Conditions

Find out more.

NUS-ISS and Learner’s Commitment and Responsibilities

Find out more.

WIFI Access

WIFI access will be made available to participants.


25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119615

Click HERE for directions to NUS-ISS

In the event of a change of venue, participants are advised to refer to the acceptance email sent one week prior to the commencement date.

Course Confirmation

All classes are subject to confirmation and NUS-ISS will send an acceptance email to participants one week prior to the commencement date. Confirmed registrants are to attend and complete all lectures, class exercises, workshops and assessments (where applicable). Additionally, all responses to feedbacks and surveys conducted by NUS-ISS and its partners must be submitted. All training and assessments will be delivered as described in the course webpage.

General Enquiry

Please feel free to write to if you have any enquiry or feedback.

Course Resources

Develop your Career in the Following
Training Roadmap(s)

Please click on the discipline(s) to view the training roadmap of related courses to assess your training needs and goals.

Digital Strategy & Leadership

Develop leadership and strategy capabilities to lead digital transformation in your organisation

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